My 3rd project - Created as part of The 20 Games Challenge:

This one was done mainly as an exercise in creating sprites/pixel-art (for the first time). Once I got the core gameplay down I didn't really see much point in pushing it further. That being said, any feedback/critique on the sprites/art style would be greatly appreciated :)

My next project will most likely be something original by me, rather than one of these challenge/exercise sort of things. At this point I feel like working on an original idea would provide me with more chances for growth compared to creating something that already exists. Wish me luck ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ 

You may be wondering, where is the music, where are the sound effects? In fact, this game has an incredible soundtrack, along with an intensely immersive library of sound effects, all created by myself over the course of my lifetime. Tragically though, this particular red-eyed tree frog is deaf.

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